The very name Lemon is associated with freshness. Lemon is an all season pickle suitable for all times and an all time favorite to all.
👉Hungry? A bowlful of hot steaming rice, a spoonful of ghee with a piece of lemon pickle is all that you need. 👉Feeling hot and tired on a sunny afternoon? A bowl of cool curd rice with a lemon pickle piece thrown in and you will be back to a cool head.
Ah! The favourite Naivedyam of Gods! Not just that. Along with fresh mango leaves thoranam, the colorful flowers and the scent of incense sticks. Pulihora (Puliodarai, tamarind rice, chitrannam) is a MUST on any auspicious occasion.
Sambar is an all time favorite with all South Indian households. In fact it is so much associated with Madras (now Chennai) that the two cannot be separated from one another. It is versatile like Amitabh Bachan - with its universal appeal to the young and old alike.
Gongura Pachadi or chutney (Pitwaa in Hindi- sorrel leaves in English) is an all time favorite of Andhra or Telugu people. Its blend of tang and spice is unique among pickles.
Avakaya is undoubtedly the KING of pickles. It is no exaggeration to say that you cannot find a single household in Andhra or Telangana without a jar full of this mouth watering, super spicy concoction.